
作者: 发表于: 2010-09-30 评论: 0 查看: 0







Keng Qu
Whether or not “hippy” is a positive or negative word, it seems this word is perfect for describing Kent.
Dishevelled with a mischevious smile, a braided hand band with long hair falling his shoulders, a laidback freedom comes out in everything he does.
What you see is Kent, but you can’t judge him by what you see, you would think he’s a tramp.
If you think I am insulting him with what I say, then you don’t understand Kent at all.
Simple and casual says everything about Kent. He doesn’t like routines and doesn’t ever get in a rut. He promotes “inaction” or doesn’t promote anything at all. He loves nature and respects the world. When he isn’t skating he can sit on the couch all day long just staring at his plants and doing nothing.
Kent’s ollies down 15 stairs can attract the attention of other skaters. His reputation comes from his consistent performance in competition after competition. Maybe you still don’t think “Hippy” is the right word for Kent. You think of a lazy, degenerate who never does anything. But don’t forget, simple thoughts, a love for nature, pursuing a peaceful life and yearning for a pure spirit; these values are more important today than ever.


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