
作者: Converse中国 发表于: 2010-09-30 评论: 0 查看: 0


北方话有个词叫“皮实”,意思是真正结实,非常顽强的人,罗鉴燊(黑柴)除去其黝黑的肤色之外最有名的一件事就是在广州一个超大的double set尝试nollie heelflip,最后把鞋摔坏了……据说是太高太远落地太多次把鞋子撕扯烂了。你可以无情地想象当时惨烈的场景,但是他整个人完全没事。由此可以断定,该身体完全是为脏活重活累活打造的一副钢筋铁骨。 





Northern Chinese would call it “pi shi”, it means strong and tough and resilient, that’s him. Besides his sun soaked skin from skating in the Guangzhou sun, Blackie is famous for his noolie heelflip on a huge double set in Guangzhou. He jumped so many times from that high spot that it finally tore his shoes to pieces. You could imagine how fierce it was, but it turns out he was fine. This guy has muscles of iron.

He doesn’t like talking and is always shy the first time he meets someone new, this doesn’t seem like the skater above, but its the truth about Blackie.
He has a Cantonese personality: pragmatic, humble and not afraid of hardship. After you see his skating you will be blown away, but he just shows a sheepish smile.
But he’s not without temper; if someone nails a trick in a new spot before him then he wont let it go.It’s not about winning or losing, it’s the spirit of getting beat and never giving up, this tells you how ‘pi shi’ Blackie is.



来源: Converse中国
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