
作者: 发表于: 2014-12-04 评论: 0 查看: 0

帽饰品牌Official与滑板公益组织Skateistan联合发布合作款系列帽饰,该系列包括两款 snap back帽子,其中内部与外部均附加定制Skateistan标识,该系列产品销售所得将全部用于支持Skateistan。

Official and Skateistan are proud to announce the release of its new collaboration. The collection consists of two snap back hats. Both with Official written in Dhari on the front and with custom Skateistan labeling and taping on the interior. Please spread the word and help support the amazing cause that is Skateistan. All proceeds from the sales of these hats go straight back into Skateistan.

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