CONS X Flip联发Louie Lopez签名配色滑板鞋与限量款板面

作者: 发表于: 2015-09-30 评论: 0 查看: 0

为庆祝Louie Lopez的签名配色版Converse Sumner OX 滑板鞋的发布, CONS与Louie的板面赞助商Flip也一道联手推出限量款签名板面,配色与图案均源自鞋款,这部Louie本人拍摄的宣传片也向大家展示了更多关于两款产品的细节。

In celebration of Louie Lopez's signature colorway of the Converse Sumner OX shoe, CONS and Flip have released a limited run of boards featuring the colors and insole artwork from the shoe. Watch as Louie takes one for a spin during a typical day in the life of this recently short-haired ripper.

来源: Berrics
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