RideChannel新栏目“板店视频”Ep1——Black Sheep滑板店Video

作者: 发表于: 2014-06-11 评论: 0 查看: 0

RideChannel将开始一档全新的滑板栏目,给大家呈现各种牛逼的"板店Video"。第一集出场的是来自北卡罗莱纳州夏洛特市的Black Sheep滑板店。他们的队员除了拥有扎实的控板技术外,地形的新玩法也是十分有趣。期待更多本土滑板店的视频!

RIDE's new series is all about showcasing sick "shop videos" and we start it off with one from Black Sheep Skateshop in Charlotte, NC. The crew were able to quickly put together something both artistic and fun. Open supports the shops that support the scene.


来源: Ride Channel
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