P-Rod最新收费完整短片:Me, Myself & I

作者: Plan B 发表于: 2010-11-17 评论: 0 查看: 0

    由于Ryan Sheckler和Danny Way的受伤,Brian Wenning,Jereme Rogers和Ryan Gallant的退出,Plan B早前宣布的品牌首部完整影片不得不再度延期。但是随着三年来素材的积累难免让Paul Rodriguez有些担心,再拖下去这些片段恐怕就将因为太老而无法发布了,最终P-Rod决定推出一部独立短片,并且在Plan B的帮助下这一短片最终于11月15日在iTunes上发售,售价为2.99美元。

    中国滑板网第一时间与大家分享这部名为《Me, Myself and I》的短片,影片由Plan B的首席摄像Dario Rezk负责拍摄和剪辑。

     After some setbacks with the Plan B team, through injuries and team shake ups, Plan Bs much-anticipated first full-length video offering since their return as a brand has been pushed back once again. With over three years of footage accumulating and the fear that some of it would soon be too old to put out, Rodriguez decided to put out a solo video part. With the help of Plan B, Rodriguez will release his full length part on iTunes.


来源: Plan B
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