西班牙版Mullen--Kilian Martin再出惊人新作

作者: 发表于: 2010-11-16 评论: 0 查看: 0

    滑板导演Brent Novak新近发布了一部名为A Skate Revolution的滑板短片,影片的主角为有西班牙Rodney Mullen之称的自由式滑手Kilian Martin。

    生于西班牙的Kilian Martin无疑又是一名深受Rodney Mullen影响的滑手,曾赢得2009年的加州自由式职业冠军赛。

    该片亦为导演Novak先前作品--A Skate Escalation的续集。

    Kilian Martin表示:“我开始的时候玩miniramp和街式,一年之后我发现自由式更有意思。于是过去几年这三种形式的滑板我都在玩,不过我最喜欢的还是自由式。”

    Skate filmmaker Brent Novak has just released this short video called A Skate Revolution starring freestyle extraordinaire Kilian Martin.

    The Spanish-born skater appears to be heavily influenced by Rodney Mullen and seems to be following in his footsteps too, having won the California State Freestyle Pro Championship in 2009.

    The video follows on from Novaks previous profile of Martin, A Skate Escalation.

    Says Martin: I started skating miniramp and street and after a year of skateboarding, I found out how much fun can you get doing freestyle. So Ive been skatin these three kinds the last years but freestyle is what I love most.



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