【板女动态】Leticia Bufoni为巴西《男士健康》拍摄大片

作者: 发表于: 2014-02-28 评论: 0 查看: 0

女子滑板界最炙手可热的女滑手Leticia Bufoni(看她出现在我们的【板女动态】有多少次就知道了)为巴西版《男士健康》(Men’s Health)拍摄了一组性感的大片。看了这组照片能联想到她强悍的滑板动作吗?

We’ve seen Leticia Bufoni skate and she kills. She’s won the women’s World Cup State street title four times. Now, she’s dropping a little something else in the pages of Men’s Health & Fitness Brazil.


来源: 中国滑板网
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