Fallen 队伍-Lose Your Illusion(失去幻觉)

作者: 发表于: 2010-08-19 评论: 0 查看: 0


Lose Your Illusion(失去你的幻觉)

Directed by Mike Gilbert

      在真正进入仓库之前我们用了4天时间来构思S&C。我们有一个与众不同的想法,但是我觉得它无法实现,所以我们的状态是“该死,得想点什么!”根据我们的人力和预算,我们不得不简化这一想法以至于我们能够将其付诸实践。S&C就好像是一个创作的正规程序。与一部正常的滑板视频相比,在完成之后我觉得S&C绝不是感觉最好的,最终你已精疲力尽,尽管这一概念很不错。但是我不得不以旁观者的角度来审视它,比如我的妻子,她的感觉是“影片很酷!”不过看到每一处其他人可能并未注意的小细节,我想我是自己最糟糕的评论家。最吸引人的莫过于那个怪异的斜台。所有的队员都在滑板,然后Tommy Sandoval从冷冻室里出来,似乎对此非常惊讶,只用了半个小时,他就完成了3个非常牛的动作,令我震惊!

We solidified the idea for S&C four days before we actually went into the warehouse. We had a different idea, but I guess it didn’t work, so we were like, “Oh shit, gotta think of something!” With our manpower and budget, we had to simplify it to what we could realistically do. S&C is kind of like the normal process of creating something. Comparing it to a normal skate video, I feel like S&C never feels as good when you’re done—you’re worn out at the end, even if the concept is good. But I have to look at it from the point of view of someone who’s not involved, like my wife. She’s like, “That was cool!” But seeing every little detail that anyone else may not notice, I’m my own worst critic. The best thing that stands out was the weird tilted Hubba. The dudes were all skating, then, Tommy Sandoval came out from the chiller room, and was like, “Wha’?” Within a half hour he did three gnarly things on it. I was shocked.



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