HUF x Cliche再推合作精品

作者: HUF 发表于: 2011-09-30 评论: 0 查看: 0

        HUF二度联手法国滑板品牌Cliche推出2011秋季合作款系列,其中包括T恤、5-panel volley帽子, Hufnagel Pro滑板鞋款和板面,所有产品均辅以特别设计的HUF x Cliche图案。目前该系列产品已正式开售,鞋服系列于HUF官方网店发售,合作款板面则由Cliche在世界各地的精选零售商处出售。

        HUF is pleased to introduce its second HUF x Cliché collaboration. This collection consists of a t-shirt, 5-panel volley, Hufnagel Pro shoe, and skateboard deck all featuring custom HUF x Cliché artwork. HUF x Cliché Collaboration footwear and apparel is now available for purchase through our webstore. HUF x Cliché skateboard deck available through finer Cliché retailers worldwide.

来源: HUF
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