iPhone 4限量滑板手机外壳

作者: 发表于: 2011-03-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

    高端外壳品牌Grove日前与滑板配饰品牌MapleXO联手打造最新限量版iPhone 4滑板外壳,改系列的限量发售的50款iPhone 4手机外壳均有回收的滑板板面制成。以下为Grove x MapleXO限量版iPhone 4手机滑板外壳的幕后制作图片。

    The latest in skate inspired iPhone covers is easily the sickest one yet. High end case company Grove linked up with recycled skate deck jewelry maker MapleXO to create a super limited run of 50 iPhone 4 cases made from actual skate decks. Some more looks at the process behind sanding and slicing the decks into strips as well as the finished product after the jump. Via designboom.

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