微软力邀滑板明星Rob Dyrdek为Windows Phone 7造势

作者: radcollector 发表于: 2010-11-08 评论: 0 查看: 0

    微软力邀滑板明星Rob Dyrdek和美剧女星Minka Kelly共同展开一场途径纽约、曼哈顿、堪萨斯、芝加哥、拉斯维加斯和旧金山的公路旅行为即将发布的Windows Phone 7宣传造势。

    微软近期似乎对滑板运动表现出不小的兴趣,不仅邀请Rob Dyrdek为他们的旗舰店开幕还支持Street League赛事

    Microsoft has got Rob Dyrdek and Minka Kelly traveling from New York to San Francisco for Windows Phone 7. Theyre making a tonne of stops on the way and getting suggestions over twitter on what they should do at each stop… The above video explains it a little better than I can. Microsoft have taken a bit of an interest in skating recently using Dyrdek and crew to open their flagship store as well as supporting Street League. Check it out.



来源: radcollector
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