Habitat X 独立乐队Future Islands跨界合作款庆祝视频

作者: 发表于: 2015-09-21 评论: 0 查看: 0

滑板品牌Habitat近日与美国独立乐队Future Islands跨界合作,除了发布一款合作款板面之外,旗下滑板团队也来了一场穿越太平洋西北部的tour以示庆祝,视频的背景音乐也毫无悬念的采用了乐队的老歌Close To None,看上去更像是一曲充满自然气息与滑板风格的MV。

Habitat is collaborating with the band Future Islands for a special limited run of boards. To commemorate the partnership the Habitat team set out on an adventure throughout the Pacific Northwest and returned with "Cascadia," set to the tune of Close To None.

来源: Berrics
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