Element精彩创意“Sketch Floral”系列宣传片

作者: 发表于: 2015-04-09 评论: 0 查看: 0

赏心悦目,French Fred Mortagne似乎从来不会令人失望,在Element最新的 “Sketch Floral”系列宣传片中,将自己的创意与Nick Garcia的滑板结合在一起,就不仅仅是视觉的享受,也是心动的节奏。

The creative mind of French Fred Mortagne never disappoints, and when paired up with Nick Garcia to shine some light on Element’s new eye catching “Sketch Floral” collection, it’s hard to be anything but stoked. Look for this new collection at your local shop or online at elementbrand.com and in the meantime, feast your eyes on this sweet edit.

来源: TWS
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