
作者: 发表于: 2010-11-11 评论: 0 查看: 0

    近日Geoff Rowley与国际著名的艺术家/设计师Chase一起就不久前上市的FLIP最新的IKON系列板面(由Chase设计)进行了一次交谈,其中谈到该系列板面中每一块滑手特别签名款图案的设计灵感,以及对Chase而言这一系列作品的意义。同时FLIP也再一次隆重的向全世界推荐全新的IKON系列,也感谢Chase为创作这些精美的作品而付出的时间和努力。

    Geoff recently sat down with Chase, the artist who created the IKON series, to discuss what the inspiration was behind each rider-specific graphic and what the series means to him. So, without further adieu… Flip is very proud to introduce the IKON series to the world and thanks Chase for lending his time and effort to this amazing project.

    Check out the behind-the-scenes photos from the interview below and for more info about Chase, check out: theartofchase.com


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