Black Knight 2010新品推出!

作者: Station Distribution 发表于: 2010-08-03 评论: 0 查看: 0

      此次BK的最新系列——Thug Life,以美国西海岸HIP-HOP风格为主,深色背景辅以明亮的红色玫瑰花和绿色的大麻叶等色彩鲜明的元素,鲜明的对比给人以强烈的视觉冲击。

      Thug Life系列也是BK再一次以人性本色作为设计理念,如暴力、欲望、信仰......其中三款以骷髅造型为主的板面通过不同角度的骷髅头骨形象揭示了不同群体略带野性和原始的风貌,蛇、蝎子、蜥蜴等动物的陪衬,也暗示出在人性中透露出的狡猾、冷漠和残忍.



      Here comes the Black Knight latest series—Thug Life. This time, west coast hip-hop style is back, with bright color elements such as red rose and green marijuana on the dark background, the “Thug Life” gives out great vision impact.
      The Thug Life series is once again Black Knight uses human nature like violent, desire, faith… as the design theory. There are three “Skull” graphics in this series, different angles of the skull shows different groups’ wild and original characters, with snake, scorpion, and lizard besides the skull, implies the slyness, coldness and cruelness of human nature.
      The other two designs emphasize desire and faith on the back of wild, in “Beauty”, the girl and the cross means the perfect combination of desire and faith, While the “God’s hands” has a strong religion color, the praying hands is surrounded by the white doves, gives out the message of hope for peace and good.
      The designer of Thug Life also wants to unveil the most original human nature by this series, to touch one’s good in their hearts. As the designer said, this is not only a deck, it’s also a example showing the human nature.


来源: Station Distribution
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