
作者: HUF 发表于: 2012-08-10 评论: 0 查看: 0

服装品牌HuF最近推出了2012年秋冬的产品册,这次HuF邀请了洛杉矶年轻的摄影师Sagon Lockhart作为本季产品册的拍摄者,并邀请诸多年轻面孔出镜,产品依然是新的口袋T恤、帽子和滑板鞋,但是摄影师很好的抓住了拍摄场所洛杉矶滑板地点周遭环境的特点并与产品和模特结合,更多信息: http://store.hufworldwide.com/ 


Clothing company HUF just released the lookbook for their Fall/Winter 2012 line. Staying true to the companies roots, created by pro skater Keith Hufnagel, the lookbook contains shots of the new pocket tees, caps, kicks, and more along with many young skaters. The shots, taken in Los Angeles by photographer Sagan Lockhart, capture more then just the impressive clothing.  

来源: HUF
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