大阪迷幻之夜-etnies x Magenta合作款滑板宣传片

作者: 发表于: 2015-01-23 评论: 0 查看: 0

由两位法国滑手创办的品牌Magenta日前与滑板鞋品牌etnies一同为他们共有的日本滑手Koichiro Uehara推出合作签名款,而宣传片则由Koichiro本人在家乡大阪拍摄,看过之后不得不赞,日本的夜景真是美而迷幻!

Two French-skater owned brands have joined together to create a footwear and apparel collection celebrating mutual rider, Koichiro Uehara. The collaboration was influenced by Koichiro’s Japanese homeland by paying homage to old world Japanese culture and it’s traditional artwork.

来源: skatedaily
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