Matix 14款夏季新款产品发布——众Pro为你亲身演绎

作者: 发表于: 2014-05-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

对于职业滑手而言,最高兴的事莫过于拆封最新的赞助产品了。换上新衣,带上新帽,滑起板来更加神清气爽。Matix发布了14款夏季新产品,由 Mike Anderson, Marc Johnson, Daewon Song, Zack Wallin 以及 Turkey Stopnik为你亲身示范。其中Daewon Song的部分实在是精彩和幽默,只用一只粉笔,在地上滑一个Manual Pad也可以玩的出神入化,画一个Grind台打点蜡,居然真的能做招,神一样的男子当之无愧。

 From the Pro's to the flow kids, when that box arrives you feel like a kid on Christmas day. Scrambling to open it, excited to find your new favorite shirt, hat, shorts or pair of pants. Matix deliveries new Summer 14 product to Mike Anderson, Marc Johnson, Daewon Song, Zack Wallin and Turkey Stopnik. Put on those new pants and lets go skate!


来源: Vimeo
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