红牛:与Torey Pudwill一起「滑板公共雕塑」

作者: RedBull 发表于: 2014-07-02 评论: 0 查看: 0

红牛「滑板空间」一直在为一些城市创造新的滑板地点,这次职业滑手Torey Pudwill联合艺术家C.J.Rench在西雅图将滑板和艺术再一次结合了起来,并留下了一个永久的可滑板艺术设施,为当地滑板运动做出贡献

The Red Bull Skate Space project successfully established an unprecedented achievement in the history of skateboarding. With the intention of making a lasting impact on the local skateboarding community, Torey Pudwill and artist C.J. Rench collaborated on the project combining two of Seattle's passions: art and skateboarding. Alongside fellow Red Bull skateboarders Ryan Sheckler, Felipe Gustavo, Ryan Decenzo, Alex Midler and Joey Brezenski, Seattle's latest permanent art piece was unveiled at Jefferson Park on International Go Skateboarding Day.
Hundreds of skaters from the local community came out to support the project and get a firsthand lesson from the crew on how to skate their new feature. It's not an easy task to create a piece of art that doubles as a quality skateable feature. It wasn't always straightforward as the project took shape after two years of collaboration.

The concept is a true celebration of culture and skateboarding that is ultimately reshaping the way people view and interact with public art.

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