
作者: 发表于: 2014-03-27 评论: 0 查看: 0

DC拉美tour,优秀的照片当然必不可少。在这些照片中,你可以感受到粉丝们疯狂的热情,看到Chris Cole要在保安的护送下才能安全离开,见识到古秘鲁的世界遗址,还有厉害的滑板技术。这些照片胜过千言万语,感谢世界上最热情的南美滑板粉丝们,让这段旅行格外亮眼。

When a trip is as epic as DC's Lite In Latin America tour, you best believe there's going to be some epic photos. Rabid fans mobbing the tour van, security escorting Chris Cole out of a demo, ancient Peruvian wonders of the world, and of course, insane skating—these photos are worth way more than a 1,000 words each. Thank you South America for being the most passionate skateboarders in the world, and making this trip one of the best in skate history. Until next time!

来源:The Berrics

来源: The Berric
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