谣言成真-- Alien Workshop前滑手合组滑板新品牌Mother

作者: 发表于: 2015-03-02 评论: 0 查看: 0

Alien Workshop于去年倒闭后,关于旗下大批队员的去向一直是被众人猜测的热点,谣言之一是Alien Workshop将携一支全新的滑板团队回归。

不过来自RIDE Channel的最新消息是由Alien Workshop前任team manager Chad Bowers监管的全新品牌名为“Mother”,队员包括Jake Johnson, Gilbert Crockett和Tyler Bledsoe。


There was a lot of speculation about where the bulk of Alien Workshop's team would land after the company went on temporary hiatus last year. And for the past couple of months, there have been murmurs about a new brand with former AWS riders Jake Johnson, Gilbert Crockett, and Tyler Bledsoe involved.

Those rumors were confirmed today, via the image you see above. The company is called Mother. One-time Alien team manager Chad Bowers is overseeing it, and, as its Insta and website announced, product will be available later this month. So start saving your money—or getting ready to beg your local shop owner—for boards now.

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