20年之情,Ronnie Creager与Blind最终分道扬镳

作者: 发表于: 2014-03-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

Ronnie Creager加入Blind已有20个年头了。然而经历了20年的风雨,Ronnie Creager与Blind的缘分却不能继续下去了。自从他加入Blind team以来,他一直是队伍里的楷模,他轻松而又随意的风格一直激励着队伍里的滑手。在过去的日子里,Ronnie Creager发布的视频不仅令人赏心悦目,更体现了他高水准的滑板技术,这些视频一直是世界各地滑手学习的榜样。Blind公司称,Ronnie为大家带来的美好回忆以及贡献,他们用言语是不足以表达对Ronnie的感激之情的,只能希望Ronnie今后一帆风顺,为大家带来更多滑板上的惊喜。

After 20 amazing and memorable years, Blind and Ronnie Creager are going their separate ways. From the beginning Ronnie has been a one of a kind inspiration to all of us at Blind, the team, everyone at Dwindle and skaters worldwide with his uncanny board control and effortless style. Over the years Ronnie has delivered some of the most technical and easy on the eyes video parts the skate world has ever seen. These parts are timeless and serve as inspiration for skaters of all ages from every corner of the globe. We cant thank Ronnie enough for all his contributions, memories and fun times over the years. We wish Ronnie nothing but the best and look forward to seeing more amazing skating from him in the future.


来源: Thrasher
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