Aika Collective摄影展

作者: TWS 发表于: 2014-03-08 评论: 0 查看: 0

从事滑板相片冲洗的网店Aika Collective于3月6日晚在Long beach长滩举办了它的第一个摄影展。

当晚许多摄影发烧友和滑板爱好者都纷纷出息,Aika还请到了Leo Romero and Travesura, Austyn Gillette和著名的DJ Wade到现场助兴。

Last night in Long Beach, Aika Collective, the online skate photo print shop, threw its first major photo show. The space is a new photo studio occupied by John Bradford, musical entertainment throughout the evening was provided by Leo Romero and TravesuraAustyn Gillette and Vaude, and the notorious DJ Wade. Tons of friends and talented photogs turned up. Peep the photos and then go cop a print at Aika!


来源: TWS
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