以女人名命名品牌,Alex Olson成立'Bianca Chandon'

作者: 发表于: 2014-03-05 评论: 0 查看: 0

在不断的变幻滑板赞助商之后,Alex Olson终于确定成立自己的品牌“Bianca Chandon”,这个灵感来自给船的命名习惯的名字不知道会不会给人们带来困扰,不过Alex Olson相信自己做了正确的事,毕竟早先已经有“Girl”这个滑板品牌了,让更疯狂的事情显得普通

首批产品已经上市试卖,让我们慢慢等待更多关于Bianca Chandon的消息吧:

"(Laughs) Bianca Chandon. The full name. Basically I came up with the whole concept of it because I couldn’t get the rights to any of the names I wanted originally. So then I was kind of digging around through inspirations I liked and try to figure it out. I think I had mentioned to Brian (Anderson) before 3D was thought up that it would be really cool to name a company after a boat. And so many boats are women’s names. So that sort of started the whole concept of choosing a woman’s name. Then from Studio 54 I think I got Bianca from Bianca Jagger. I just always really liked the name Bianca. It sounded kind of elegant and it was a big ‘70s name. A lot of the culture I was pulling from was from the ‘70s so it just made sense."——来自TWS Alex Olson访问

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