Etnies庆祝Ryan Sheckler为其效力15周年

作者: 发表于: 2013-11-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

Ryan Sheckler还是个小孩子的时候,Don Brown给了他一些Etnies的鞋子并且让他加入了Etnies,从此这段传奇版的关系便开始了。现在Ryan已经十分强大,他的签名款Etnies Marana也是一双绝无仅有的优质鞋履。
滑手与品牌一起成长,这无疑是业内最完美的合作关系,上周Sole Tech举行了纪念活动,通过滑板和旧照片的展示给大家讲述了一个共同成长的故事。

When Ryan Sheckler was a young kid, Don Brown approached him about giving him some Etnies to ride and possibly getting on the team. 15 years later, he still stands strong, in his newest Etnies Marana's skating bigger and better than ever. It's a noble relationship, if you break it down. Through the years Ryan has probably had more than his fair offers to leave for absurd amounts of money as has Etnies had some interesting moments to deal with regarding Ryan and being practically raised in the limelight. They kept it going over the years, and as Etnies grew, so did Ryan. This past Tuesday the crew at Sole Tech got together and the Ryan Sheckler Foundation warehouse to celebrate their past 15 years together with some shredding, fine dining via Wahoo taco's, beats by The Blackouts and a photoshow/silent auction of some classic Sheckler photos over the years. Have a look...

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