Torey Pudwill - 续签DVS重现辉煌

作者: TWS Business 发表于: 2012-10-11 评论: 0 查看: 0


       DVS早些时候宣布申请破产保护,让很多喜爱这个品牌的滑手们惋惜不已。最终DVS走出了阴霾。在内部完成重组后马上宣布与为其效力十年的滑手Torey Pudwill续签三年!并开始设计制作以Torey Pudwill命名的第三双DVS签名款板鞋,预计很快就将公布。之前的The Torey 和Torey 2 是DVS所有鞋品中最受欢迎也是最畅销的鞋子。

       Torey Pudwill在个人主页上也发表了自己的想法:"我很高兴可以继续成为DVS的一员,DVS一直伴随着我滑板的成长,是我的家。我很激动,我将更加努力的去滑板"


     “I am happy to be a part of a company I grew up skating for. It is my roots, and now I am motivated and dedicated to skate harder than ever !”                     --------Torey Pudwill


        Colin Dyne做为DVS的新任CEO对于Torey Pudwill给予了高度评价,Torey Pudwill可以说是滑板行业现在与未来的明星,我们很期待与他的继续合作,他是DVS的重要财富。

      “Torey represents both the present and future of the skate world, and we are looking forward to our continued partnership with him. He is a great asset to the DVS brand.”

来源: TWS Business
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