Supra协助Lil Wayne推出个人滑板鞋产品线

作者: kovideo 发表于: 2012-04-24 评论: 0 查看: 0

        滑板鞋品牌Supra协助超人气美国说唱歌手Lil Wayne打造其个人滑板鞋产品线,此举不同于以往品牌为明星个人推出的签名款,其意义已上升至个人品牌的前身或雏形,加之Weezy之前创办的个人服饰品牌Trukfit,这个新的滑板鞋产品线也变得更加值得期待,或许有朝一日Lil Wayne将亲自挑选滑手组建自己的滑板团队。此外,Lil Wayne也透露了关于发布Dr. Dre Beats签名款耳机的消息。

        As if his rap superstardom wasnt enough, Lil Wayne has branched out to other ventures. He has recently announced that he has signed with skate brand Supra to debut a line of skate shoe sneakers.

        The skateboarding rapper explains his passions has grown for the sport, Skating has become one of my pure passions, I believe Ive found myself. Let me give it to you this way, I needed something more. When I picked up that [skateboard] deck, I was like I want to skate, I want a ramp on my roof now.

来源: kovideo
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