
作者: Vans 发表于: 2011-12-08 评论: 0 查看: 0

来自Vans官方的最新消息,Elijah Berle和Daniel Lutheran成为最新加入旗下国际滑板团队的滑手,据称在Vans的首部滑板影片中将有望看到二人的精彩表现。

此外,旗下的三位老成员Bucky Lasek, Alex Olson和Massimo Cavedoni也将退出,这一大品牌的大举动也打破了近几个月来国外滑板圈的沉寂,随着新年的临近,不知是否还会上演如去年一般的大规模滑手转会事件。



The Vans Skate Team Welcomes Elijah Berle and Daniel Lutheran

Please join the Vans family in officially welcoming Elijah Berle and Daniel Lutheran to Vans’ global skate team. Elijah and Daniel are the latest skaters to join Vans’ unrivaled history of continuously representing professional skateboarding – from the Dogtown days right up to the present. In addition to Vans signature riders Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo and Anthony Van Engelen, Elijah and Daniel join legends Tony Alva, Steve Caballero and John Cardiel in proudly wearing the Sidestripe, along with fellow up-and-comers including Gilbert Crockett and Curren Caples. Both Elijah and Daniel bring their own unique abilities, sensibilities and personality to the team and we look forward to their contributions to the first-ever feature length Vans team skate video and future footwear projects.

At this time, we would also like to announce that Vans will be parting ways with the following individuals and thank them for their commitment to Vans and to skateboarding over the years as we wish them well in their future endeavors: Bucky Lasek, Alex Olson and Massimo Cavedoni.

来源: Vans
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