
作者: The Berric 发表于: 2014-03-09 评论: 0 查看: 0

Almost大家庭在The Berric举办了ALMOST滑板十周年纪念派对。

当天虽然天公不作美,下起了瓢泼大雨,但却阻挡不了这个派对狂躁的气氛。现场不仅有Pizza,DJ助兴,还有许多资历非常深的大牌滑手到场祝贺。Almost还特制了一块可移动的Grind台,大Pro们发挥自己的想象玩得忘乎所以。大家吃着Pizza ,听着音乐,欣赏着Almost的板面展。

Almost当天还宣布了Youness Amrani正式晋升为Pro的好消息,他的众多好友都前来为他庆祝,其中包括Amost创始人之一 Rodney mullen.

The Almost family celebrated their 10-year anniversary at The Berrics in style. There was the announcement that Youness is officially Pro, a DJ, a specially-made "Almost" obstacle (mad portable, yo), pizza, and lots of inventive skating. But it was the dozens of original Almost boards on display, with graphic series spanning the history of the team, that really drove the point home: Their mix of creativity and bold images are the perfect representation of a brand that consistently follows it own path.

来源:The Berric

来源: The Berric
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