Luan Oliveira夺冠2013 Matriz Pro巴西职业滑板大赛

作者: 发表于: 2013-12-12 评论: 0 查看: 0

Matriz是 Rodrigo Tx 和Cezar Gordo在巴西经营的板店,庆祝他们成立11周年而举办了2013 Matriz Pro,邀请到的是巴西最好的职业滑手到场,观众人数也是据说超过了10000人!巴西碉堡了!

Matriz is Rodrigo Tx and Cezar Gordo's skate shop located in Porto Alegre, Brazil. They celebrated their 11th anniversary with a contest and many of Brazil's finest come out to support the shop and skate. 

来源: 中国滑板网
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