ZERO新片《Cold War》首映式回顾

作者: Transworld 发表于: 2013-11-10 评论: 0 查看: 0

ZERO在昨天举行了他们最新影片《Cold War》的首映式,包括ZERO队伍的元老在内的各路大牌滑手悉数到场,不少老朋友一见面当然是各种合影,下面就跟随镜头来看看当天的盛况吧。

Jamie Thomas一家人,他能够取得今天的成功也是与家人的支持分不开的。

It’s nice to see heavy hitters in an all-VX video. It was classic Zero form to premiere its new video Cold War in Encinitas at the La Paloma theater. Jamie Thomas started the night in epic fashion getting every Zero skater, past and present, and filmers, onto the stage. Ellington, Copalman, Lopez, Lee Dogg, you name it—it was an epic photo op. What followed once the house lights went down was a 40 minute blitzkrieg of savage tricks you’re going to love. Everyone had a full part! No spoilers—go see it/buy it ASAP. Check the quick gallery below, we’ll add more photos to it tomorrow.


来源: Transworld
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