Habitat - 广州拍摄大跟踪(二)

作者: 威廉 发表于: 2013-03-28 评论: 0 查看: 0

        这个季节外国职业滑手扎堆在广东,经常能碰到一个地点好几拨队伍拍摄的情况,这次又来了Habitat队伍几个人来到广州拍摄,不但有Fred Gall还有大家非常熟悉的Stefan Janoski。



Fred Gall and Stefan Janoski went to FoShan to film for the new Habitat video. It was the last part of the trip, they signed a board for cafe Xperience as showing appreciation for the love and good food. The board is gonna be on the board wall with other signed pro boards.


来源: 威廉
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