Thrasher x Cons - DeathMatch 2013预告

作者: Thrashermagazine 发表于: 2013-02-22 评论: 0 查看: 0

        一年一度的SXSW音乐节即将与下个月13号开始,作为音乐节上的重要的滑板活动Thrasher x Converse DeathMatch 2013也即将到来。这将是为期4天的音乐与滑板的狂欢节,届时将会有众多的滑手与滑板队伍前往音乐节狂欢。去年的Deathmatch削减了比赛的成分而更多的是让大家来自选做各式动作,自主性高而又躁劲十足,不知道今年将会不会采用去年的模式。



Thrasher x Converse Deathmatch 2012视频



Hide your sisters and warn the sheriff, were bringing the Death Match back to SXSW this year. Join us in Austin March 13th-16th. Well be announcing the lineup shortly.


来源: Thrashermagazine
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