David Gonzalezs首款Globe签名滑板鞋发布Party(组图)

作者: Globe 发表于: 2011-02-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

    为了庆祝David Gonzalezs首款Globe签名滑板鞋The Heathen的发布,Globe于2月3日在加州长滩同时为David举办了两场与众不同的发布活动,一为包含地下室祭祀、倒三角等邪恶元素的魔鬼艺术展,二则是在著名的滑板吧Red Room,Geoff Rowley, Luan Oliveira, Chris Haslam, Ewan Bowman, DJ Baron, Rob Gonzalez, Danny Montoya等长滩的大牌人物纷纷到场,以下为活动现场的部分图片:

    In celebration of David Gonzalezs first signature shoe, The Heathen,  we threw Satans favorite fallen angel a launch party unlike any other! February 3rd was the date and the location was Long Beach, California!! We actually had 2 parties happening at the same time. The locations were located directly across from each other–one being an art space that we made into a Devils art exhibition replete with alters, pentagrams, a burning shoe display, basement sacrificial lounge, DJ Blairly Legal and the weirdest of weird LBC had to offer. The second location was The Red Room, which is a known skate bar hang out!

    Geoff Rowley, Luan Oliveira, Chris Haslam, Ewan Bowman, DJ Baron, Rob Gonzalez, Danny Montoya, and all the Long Beach heads were in attendance.

    Both locations were going off and at full capacity!! Have a look at some of the pics captured below.

来源: Globe
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