Wild Bar Grand Opening! 南非野声吧 开业跨年派对

作者: WildBar 发表于: 2017-12-27 评论: 0 查看: 0

Wild Bar has something for everyone, darts, pool, foosball, music, food, drinks and much more! Based on South African culture there are many South African treats and drinks to try! Wild Bar is a place to let loose and to meet new people (both foreign and chinese) from all walks of life. There are instruments lying around for anyone who wants to play a few songs or start a jam session. The pictures on the walls tell the story of the owner, Woll Phan and his wife Roxy (South African) and of all their adventures together so far... It's a warm cosy place and we hope that everybody who comes can leave with a new story to tell! To everybody looking for a good jol, welcome to the WILD!!!


南非野声吧有什么好玩给大家?这里有英式飞镖,美式桌球,音乐,还有吃的,喝的还有更多的南非传统特色食物和啤酒文化,这里是一个放松和结识新朋友的地方(不管你是哪国人),随时可以拿起乐器在现场即兴弹唱,墙上的照片讲述了两位主人Woll & Roxy生活与冒险的故事,这是一个温暖舒适的地方,我们希望每个来到这里的人可以制造一个新的故事,给大家一个派对的好地方,欢迎一起来野!


Wild Bar Grand Opening 




10:00-11:00 Free Asahi Tap Beer 免费啤酒时间

11:00-12:00 Double Brandy and Coke 2 for 50 


12月31日 晚上

9:00  现场Live Music 演出乐队How Hard Chicken (Changsha)


10:00King and Queen of Beer 啤酒之王现金挑战赛 ):现场男女混合6位代表最快吹掉一瓶啤酒的获得  冠军 300RMB现金+龙舌兰一瓶+大象酒一瓶


10:30 现场Live Music Roxy (South Africa)


11:00 King of Foosball 足球机现金挑战赛):现场报名参加 可男女混搭组队,赢到最后获得冠军 300RMB现金+神秘礼品


11:30 现场DJ跨年演出 DJ Dusty (South Africa)


Wild Bar Address 南非野声吧地址:





来源: WildBar
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