红牛滑板办公室: A Day at the Office

作者: redbull 发表于: 2013-12-03 评论: 0 查看: 0


Red Bull Daily Grind完整影片将在12月16号上线,届时我们一起体验Ryan Sheckler, Felipe Gustavo, Joey Brezinski, Corbin Harris, Alex Midler, Ryder Lawson, Gard Hvaara和Sewa Kroetkov这些红牛“员工”的办公室生活吧!

Who says skateboarding is not an office job?

On the 23rd floor of a high-rise in the heart of downtown Chicago an office floor was turned into a unique skate park for Red Bull Daily Grind.

The Red Bull Skate team including Ryan Sheckler, Felipe Gustavo, Joey Brezinski, Corbin Harris, Alex Midler, Ryder Lawson, Gard Hvaara and Sewa Kroetkov reported for work.

The full clip is dropping on December 16th, in the meantime, check out #RBDailygrind for a sample of what went down.

Joey Brezinski绝对是优秀员工,一大早就踩着滑板“上班”了。





Ryan Sheckler和Felipe Gustavo下班了,看样子他们更想到外面去滑板。


来源: 中国滑板网
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