Red Bull携手Torey Pudwill建设艺术滑板中心

作者: skateboardermag 发表于: 2013-08-18 评论: 0 查看: 0


     Red Bull(红牛)将在西雅图建设一座名为"Red Bull Skate Space"(红牛空间)的滑板艺术公园,由知名设计师C.J. Rench亲自率领团队,Red Bull旗下滑手Torey Pudwill也参与了前期设计选址等工作,相信该公园一定可以完美的将滑板与艺术相结合,给城市建设带来新思维。



Red Bull, in cooperation with the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation and professional skateboarder Torey Pudwill, are building a permanent art sculpture for the city of Seattle that is skateable. Dubbed the Red Bull Skate Space the sculpture will be designed by seasoned artist C.J. Rench and located in Jefferson Park.


来源: skateboardermag
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