「 PUSH 」跳楼机Aaron “Jaws” Homoki的喜乐童年

作者: 发表于: 2015-04-08 评论: 0 查看: 0

说到大白鲨AARON "JAWS" HOMOKI,想必总有几个他疯狂的滑板镜头会深刻的印在你的脑海里,与贫民窟的故事不同,凤凰城的疯孩子从一开场就带给你十足的喜感,滑板改变了他害羞的性格,而家人的鼓励与支持则是另一番不同的感动!

Everyone has a story. Everyone comes from somewhere. And Aaron's (@aaronjawshomoki) story is an outstanding example of what you can accomplish with the undying support and encouragement of your family. Never forget where you're from and always know where you're going.

来源: Berrics
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