原谅我一生放荡不羁爱自由-Globe滑手DAVID GONZALEZ文艺纪录片

作者: 发表于: 2014-11-18 评论: 0 查看: 0

Globe & Flip滑手DAVID GONZALEZ可以说是滑板圈最有摇滚气质和情节的新生代滑手了,从13岁辍学选择滑板以来,DAVID GONZALEZ一直在追寻自己梦想的生活,从充满野性的滑板风格到手握吉他狂飙Metal SOLO,不混名利只求自由的生活状态足以影响很多年轻的滑板爱好者。

这部由Desillusion Magazine发表的“Skateboarding’s died three times since I was born”一文为基础拍摄的短片将带你前往DAVID位于长滩的私宅,跟随正在养伤的他回顾他过往的滑板生活,聆听他的滑板态度。

Born and raised in the rough suburbs of Colombia, David González made it his mission to forge his own way of life the only way he knew how, through skateboarding. Currently residing in Long Beach, CA, and having spent most of the summer injured and homebound, Desillusion Magazine’s Pierre David stopped by the former SOTY’s home to gain an insight into David’s world. Supported by Globe This short film is based on the article “Skateboarding’s died three times since I was born” published in Desillusion Magazine 47 , Tome 3, available on bit.ly/1CZhnBK

来源: 中国滑板网
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