Fallen滑手Josh Harmony全新专辑免费下载

作者: 发表于: 2012-06-06 评论: 0 查看: 0

        Fallen旗下滑手Josh Harmony以音乐人的身份闯荡江湖已经不是一天两天了, 从05年至今已有5张专辑面世,其中就包括这张最新发布的Benefit of the Doubt,目前新专辑已正式提供完整版的免费下载,对Josh Harmony的音乐感兴趣的朋友可以去他的个人网站joshharmonymusic试听下载!

        Josh Harmony just released his new album Benefit of the Doubt and its available for a free download on his site. Head over there for and download some great free music legally!

来源: joshharmonymusic
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