Pharrell 专访 Tony Hawk 视频

作者: hypebeast 发表于: 2013-02-23 评论: 0 查看: 0




        由Pharrell Williams 主持的线上访谈节目《ARTST TLK》最近请来著名滑板选手 Tony Hawk 担任嘉宾,接受访问。Tony Hawk 是流行文化中滑板界的标志性人物,除了是一名重量级滑板选手之外,他亦同时作出多方面发展,例如参与电影演出,举行极限运动展览,推出电子游戏及以个人名义成立基金会推动滑板运动的发展。有著 “The Birdman” 之称的 Tony Hawk 这次与 Pharrell 大谈有趣话题,当中包括生儿育女,筹办演唱会,当然少不了对滑板的钟爱。完整的访谈内容请观看最新一集的《ARTST TLK》。




Quite the multifaceted artist in his own right, the ongoing video series ARTST TLK links up Pharrell Williams with a range of like-minded creatives, artists, architects and athletes for a face-to-face conversation. In the latest ARTST TLK installment, Skateboard P converses with The Birdman himself, Tony Hawk. Opening up with rare footage of Hawk as a child, Williams taps into a wealth of candid topics from Hawks childhood, his more formative years, and the evolution of skateboarding. Taking a decidedly different approach, Williams pushes Hawk to speak on more personal topics such as his family, his sentiments about "selling out," as well as his business mentality. 

来源: hypebeast
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