Brandon Biebel私人滑板场揭幕

作者: LAKAI 发表于: 2011-08-14 评论: 0 查看: 0

        滑板界的Manual达人,Girl & Lakai旗下滑手Brandon Biebel成为又一位拥有私人滑板场的滑手,除了在自己的地盘上为下周在纽约举办的Manny Mania比赛做准备外,他还邀请自己的队友Mike Mo助阵为他的新板场拍摄宣传视频。

        To get a leg up for Manny Mania in NYC next weekend, Brandon Biebel has been putting in some serious work at his private skatepark. Actually he may be playing foosball as much as hes skating, the point is, hes got his own skatepark. Take a look.

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