Powell滑手Aldrin Garcia刷新ollie最高世界纪录

作者: TWS 发表于: 2011-02-16 评论: 0 查看: 0

    在日前的MAGIC展会上,Powell滑手Aldrin Garcia在Maloof High Ollie Challenge(飙高赛)决赛中以45英寸的成绩刷新了之前由Danny Wainwright和Luis Tolentino保持的44.5英寸的ollie最高世界纪录,并当场获得1万美元的奖金,比赛视频将于近期放出敬请期待!

    Today at the MAGIC trade show, Aldrin Garcia snapped a 45 inch ollie at the Maloof High Ollie Challenge finals and set the new world record, passing up Danny Wainwright and Luis Tolentino who previously shared the record at 44.5 inches. No doubt about it, Alrdins got pop! Stay tuned for footage of the contest.

来源: TWS
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