前Adio滑手Chris Troy赤脚玩板求赞助

作者: The Berrics 发表于: 2011-01-20 评论: 0 查看: 0

    在Adio滑板鞋公司(最初由Steve Berra、Jamie Thomas和Jeremy Wray创办于1998年)解散旗下滑板团队后,其滑手Chris Troy便在berrics板场拍摄了这段视频,证明自己即便光脚玩板也比穿着Adio的滑板鞋玩的好,同时Chris Troy也表示希望能有新的滑板鞋公司赞助赞助自己!

    无论是Adio退出滑板界后业内的舆论、包括Chris Troy在内的旗下滑手的态度,还是Steve Berra毫不掩饰的表态(如果你将来买了或者穿着一双Adio的鞋那么你会说你讨厌滑板),我们都不难发现一个事实就是几乎整个国外的滑板界都对Adio的滑板鞋没有好感......

    Since Adio Footwear (a company I started with Jamie Thomas and Jeremy Wray in 1998) decided to fold their entire operation and kick everyone off the team the day before Thanksgiving, Chris Troy came to the park and showed us that he, in fact, skates better without Adio than with Adio. If you buy or wear a pair of Adio shoes in the future you are basically saying you hate skateboarding. -- sb

来源: The Berrics
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