Erik Ellington --Day In The Life Part One

作者: TWS 发表于: 2011-01-12 评论: 0 查看: 0

    TWS Day In The Life本期主打Deathwish旗下滑手Erik Ellington,第一部分记录了Erik在好莱坞刷街的片段,并偶遇队友Andrew Reynolds。在下一期中你将看到Erik在Bakerboys的办公室工作的情况并有机会参观他们的仓库,此外还有他与朋友们在North Hollywood板场的片段,敬请期待!
    Cruise around Hollywood for the day with Deathwish pro Erik Ellington in part one of his day in the life.  Erik meets up with the crew, swings by Andrew Reynolds to grab his board, and hits the streets in Hollywood. Stay tuned for part two where Erik stops in the Bakerboys office to handle business and give you a tour of the warehouse, and hits up North Hollywood park to finish the day skating with friends.

来源: TWS
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