Cody McEntire签名款+DoubleRock短片

作者: Think Skateboards 发表于: 2010-11-20 评论: 0 查看: 0

    早在2008年Digital Skateboarding发布的Smoke And Mirrors一片中Cody McEntire就用精湛的滑板技巧证明了自己的实力,然而迟迟未能晋级pro令很多人不解,不久前Think Skateboards终于做出了一个明智的决定,正式将Cody转为pro,签名款板面现已上市。

    以下则是Cody新近为Thrasher杂志拍摄的DoubleRock短片,相当精彩,同时,鉴于他惊人的Nollie bigspin,Thrasher还特意为他举办了一场Bigspin大赛。

    Think has made the decision that most people seem to think is long over do and turned Cody McEntire pro!

    Timing is everything. Things have been going Codys way lately and its because hes made it happen. One of the best Double Rocks weve had and his pro board is available now.

    TO SAY THAT CODY MAC LOVES THE BIGSPIN would be an understatement—so, in honor of his ascension to the pro ranks, were holding a contest where you send in your best biggie to us. It can be nollie, fakie, switch, frontside, backside… Hell, you can even do it into or out of something. Throw in a flick and make it a big flip for all we care. Submissions are due Monday the 29th, when Cody will pick his favorite. The winner will receive a McEntire prize package. Send your submission to contest@thrashermagazine.com

    中国滑板网在此也特别分享一下Digital Skateboarding的Smoke And Mirrors,不熟悉Cody McEntire的朋友不妨看看,片尾压轴人物即为Cody。


来源: Think Skateboards
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