Nike SB | 滑在巴塞罗那建筑楼顶板场

作者: Nike SB 发表于: 2016-05-25 评论: 0 查看: 0

巴塞罗那的街式滑板片段你肯定看不少了,但是世界顶级的滑手聚集在巴塞罗那楼顶滑板的场面你又见过没?西班牙设计师Ruben Sanchez 在巴塞罗那建筑的楼顶打造了一个非常有标志性的板场,Luan爷,Ishod Wairs 等一线滑手均有在场测试,一起看起来!

It’s not unusual to see skaters rolling the streets of Barcelona but spotting some of the world’s greatest skaters sessioning a reimagined city skatepark on a rooftop is something that needs to be seen to be believed. Designed by Spanish artist Ruben Sanchez the park recreated some of the iconic skatespots and architecture of Barcelona.

来源: Nike SB
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