Nike SB | 2016 欧洲系列AM 比赛 |巴塞罗那站Top3滑手精彩回顾

作者: Nike SB 发表于: 2016-05-24 评论: 0 查看: 0

2016 Nike SB 欧洲系列AM比赛首站在巴塞罗那的一个濒临海滩的板场中举行,周末的黄金时段吸引了无数滑手前来参赛。然而冠军只有一个,经过激烈的角逐,Jorge Simoes 带着3000欧元的奖金与通往柏林参加决赛的免费机票圆满地回家了。

The Nike SB European Series had the first stop in Barcelona in the beautiful skatepark by the beach, which all the skaters killed the whole weekend but only Jorge Simoes went back home with 3.000 euros and a free ticket to Berlin for the European super finals.

来源: Nike SB
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