Connor Burke 唯美&精彩自由式视频发布

作者: ride channel 发表于: 2016-02-19 评论: 0 查看: 0

来自美国里士满的Connor Burke 就是一位自由式滑板的大师,他不仅拥有扎实的自由式动作功底,还将其与现代的滑板动作相结合,创造出属于自己的自由式风格。看着各种精彩的Revert 以及连招动作,大赞唯美之时也十分敬佩Connor Burke的实力。

Connor Burke, hailing from Richmond, Virginia is proud to present his freestyle video part. To the common skater, freestyle is like the red-headed stepchild that nobody wants to acknowledge. However, Connor somehow manages to take advantage of a forgotten vocabulary tricks and infuses them with modern street tricks.

来源: ride channel
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